Local Communities of Newly-Piloted Gengeshes Learn Methodology of Participatory Local Development Planning and Mini Project Management Ashgabat, 25 June 2009 – Two newly-piloted local self-governance bodies (Gengeshes) of Dashoguz province have joined a programme of trainings on participatory local development planning and mini project management, which was developed within the framework of the UNDP Project “Local Self-Governance”. In the course of the two-day training held in Magtymguly and Maslakhat Gengeshes, representatives of local communities, Gengeshes, village leaders and staff of local administrations learned the methodology of participatory planning for local development, as well as tools and procedures for needs assessment and identifying the socio-economic priorities at the village level.
“The participatory local development planning is a very efficient form of engaging local people in decision making process. I am going to employ the capacity of teachers, students and their parents to improve quality of education process of school no 37 of Georogly district,” said Director of this school Merdan Tuvakov, member of the national parliament and Magtymguly Gengesh. The training also discussed the results of participatory community appraisal exercise carried out by local communities in their respective villages that identified local needs and priorities as well as offered a basis for development of local mini projects. In this regard, the participants agreed on common approaches in involving local people in design, management, implementation and monitoring of mini projects at the local level. “As a result of the assessment, we discussed a total of 15 mini project proposals and initiatives in relation to improving the social infrastructure of the village. Out of this number, we agreed to choose three most important projects. I believe this approach will be instrumental in addressing local problems more efficiently,” said Esenmurat Gurbanov, member of Maslakhat Gengesh. Within these three projects, local Gengeshes identified urgent priorities, which include repairing 3 bridges and 12 km of village roads, renovating a school gym and medical facility and installing a water pump and purification unit. “I am sure that knowledge and skills acquired by participants during the training will have a positive effect on improving cooperation and collaboration between the district authorities, the pilot Gengeshes and local communities on planning and development of local social-economic programs and projects,” said Bayly Seyilova, Head of Gerogly district administration of Dashoguz province, who is also member of the national parliament. The UNDP-supported Project “Local Self-Governance” started in 2007. The project is implemented jointly with the Parliament of Turkmenistan. The project aims at improving the quality of services provided at the local level through strengthening capacity of local self-governance bodies and improving the legal and policy environment for further development of local governance. For more information please contact: Timur Dosmamedov, Communications Associate UNDP Turkmenistan E-mail:
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