11 July 2010 – This year, some 60 countries are collecting data and counting people as part of the 2010 census process.
26 June 2010 – As we prepare for this September’s United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development Goals, we must recognize the major impediment to development posed by drug abuse and illicit trafficking. As this year’s theme stresses, it is time to “Think Health, Not Drugs”.
26 June 2010 Torture is a crime under international law.  The prohibition of torture is absolute and unambiguous.
UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK, 23 June 2010 – Updated data on mortality rates among mothers and young children are likely to encourage G8 leaders, who at their meeting later this week will make this health issue – long considered a neglected area of international development efforts – a 2010 priority.
23 June 2010 – On the annual observance of Public Service Day, we pay tribute to public servants everywhere who have improved the lives of others in their communities.
Ashgabat, 22 June 2010 – The high-level delegation of the European Union visited the UN House in Ashgabat on June 17 to get acquainted with the UN experience of work in the sphere of human rights in Turkmenistan.
20 June 2010 On this observance of World Refugee Day, we must note a troubling trend: the decline in the number of refugees who are able to go home.

UNODC holds International conference on cross-border cooperation in Turkmenistan

UNODC holds International conference on cross-border cooperation in Turkmenistan 

UNODC holds International conference on cross-border cooperation in Turkmenistan Ashgabat, 26 June 2009 – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Turkmenistan held a three day International Conference on “Cross-border cooperation between Turkmenistan and its neighboring countries” in Ashgabat. The event was organized with the support of the Government of Turkmenistan specifically the State Drug Control Coordination Commission (SDCC) and the State Drug Control Service (SDCS) of Turkmenistan with participation of more than 70 senior level law enforcement officials from Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkmenistan and Turkey besides the distinguished representatives of diplomatic missions located in Ashgabat. International organizations including UNRCCA, WCO, INTERPOL, OSCE, CSTO, CARICC, European House, TIKA, UNEP, UNHCR and WHO have also attended the conference. 

During opening ceremony the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Hydyr Saparliev delivered a welcome address by the President of Turkmenistan to the participants of the conference. In his address the President appreciated UNODC’s initiatives in providing assistance in fight against narcotics spread in the region and expressed confidence that a productive work of the conference will stimulate development and adoption of effective measures to fight illegal drug trafficking. 

In his welcome remarks Mr. Ercan Saka, UNODC’s International project coordinator underscored the UNODC role as a facilitator and promoter of the cross-border cooperation within its overall strategy in Central Asia. He said that UNODC implements a number of projects to assist the Governments in the region and appreciated the Government of Turkmenistan’s continued support in this important field.  

The conference discussed wide range of issues related to cross border cooperation including its international legal basis and shared national, international and operational initiatives and experience. There was a separate session a with round table discussion on needs for the enhanced operational cross-border cooperation with proposed recommendations. 

The conference has coincided with the national program on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking (26 June 2009) and during the third day of the conference participants have been invited to witness a drug destruction event arranged by the Government of Turkmenistan. 

UNODC has a long history of cooperating with Turkmenistan on many projects. Cross border cooperation is one of the important components of its activity. In particular the UNODC Paris pact and its Rainbow strategy includes cross border cooperation among Central Asia and Caspian Sea regions.

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