11 July 2010 – This year, some 60 countries are collecting data and counting people as part of the 2010 census process.
26 June 2010 – As we prepare for this September’s United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development Goals, we must recognize the major impediment to development posed by drug abuse and illicit trafficking. As this year’s theme stresses, it is time to “Think Health, Not Drugs”.
26 June 2010 Torture is a crime under international law.  The prohibition of torture is absolute and unambiguous.
UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK, 23 June 2010 – Updated data on mortality rates among mothers and young children are likely to encourage G8 leaders, who at their meeting later this week will make this health issue – long considered a neglected area of international development efforts – a 2010 priority.
23 June 2010 – On the annual observance of Public Service Day, we pay tribute to public servants everywhere who have improved the lives of others in their communities.
Ashgabat, 22 June 2010 – The high-level delegation of the European Union visited the UN House in Ashgabat on June 17 to get acquainted with the UN experience of work in the sphere of human rights in Turkmenistan.
20 June 2010 On this observance of World Refugee Day, we must note a troubling trend: the decline in the number of refugees who are able to go home.

UNDP elections project reaches election candidates, domestic observers for Local Council Elections

UNDP Elections Project Reaches Election Candidates, Domestic Observers for Local Council Elections

UNDP Elections Project Reaches Election Candidates, Domestic Observers for Local Council Elections Ashgabat, 29 June 2009 – The UNDP Project “Enhancing Electoral System and Processes in Turkmenistan” carried out the capacity building training in Mary province on 25-26 June for candidates standing in a nationwide election of members of local self-governance bodies (Gengeshes) scheduled for 26 July 2009. This was the first-of-its-kind training delivered by UNDP at a grass roots level followed by a one-day session for domestic observers. The training offered a unique opportunity for both election candidates and domestic observers to grasp basic techniques of the conduct of election campaign, universal standards of election monitoring and election administration as a whole.  

The election candidates were introduced to the major approaches to designing the election campaign strategy as well as ways of establishment and administration of the election campaign networks. They also learned the techniques of assessing strengths and weaknesses of candidates and their opponents, building the image of the candidate, developing the candidate’s election programme, the role and place of the candidates’ proxies and methods of arranging meetings with the electorate at their home (the so-called door-to-door meetings) and work places.

The interactive part of the session included discussions of the above topics with a view to helping the candidates to practice the methods of identification of major priorities and lobbying the candidate’s election programme as well as nuances of the conduct of election campaign.

Candidates standing for seats in local self-governance bodies are now set to make the most of lessons learned for the campaigning period ahead of elections.  According to Agamyrat Durdymov, secretary of Yoloten city Gengesh, who is running to his Gengesh from electoral district N 14, he would ensure that his election platform distinguishes him from other candidates and portrays him as a person who sets realistic tasks and keeps his promises. 

Training for domestic observers, who are integral part of any fair and transparent elections, was facilitated by national consultants who introduced the participants to latest updates in the national election legislation, mechanisms of enhancing transparency of election, the concept of election system of Turkmenistan, principles of formation of precinct election commission in Turkmenistan and so on. Domestic observers also deepened their understanding of the procedures relating to vote tabulation, precinct election commissions (PEC) operations on the day of voting and after its closure, functions and responsibilities of PEC members and domestic observers, early and mobile voting, as well as sealing of ballot boxes and signing of the protocol of election.

The significant part of discussions was devoted to ethical norms of observers. Simulations of the real voting were also held in the end of the seminar.

The UNDP Project “Cooperation on Enhancing Electoral System and Processes in Turkmenistan” was launched in 2008. The project is being jointly implemented by UNDP and National Institute of Democracy and Human Rights in response to the Turkmen government request. The project aims at providing technical support to the government of Turkmenistan with a view to deepening democratic processes and reforms pursued by Turkmenistan. The purpose of technical support is to expose the state institutions of Turkmenistan to relevant international experience to enhance the electoral system and processes in Turkmenistan.


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