11 July 2010 – This year, some 60 countries are collecting data and counting people as part of the 2010 census process.
26 June 2010 – As we prepare for this September’s United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development Goals, we must recognize the major impediment to development posed by drug abuse and illicit trafficking. As this year’s theme stresses, it is time to “Think Health, Not Drugs”.
26 June 2010 Torture is a crime under international law.  The prohibition of torture is absolute and unambiguous.
UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK, 23 June 2010 – Updated data on mortality rates among mothers and young children are likely to encourage G8 leaders, who at their meeting later this week will make this health issue – long considered a neglected area of international development efforts – a 2010 priority.
23 June 2010 – On the annual observance of Public Service Day, we pay tribute to public servants everywhere who have improved the lives of others in their communities.
Ashgabat, 22 June 2010 – The high-level delegation of the European Union visited the UN House in Ashgabat on June 17 to get acquainted with the UN experience of work in the sphere of human rights in Turkmenistan.
20 June 2010 On this observance of World Refugee Day, we must note a troubling trend: the decline in the number of refugees who are able to go home.

Dashoguz stakeholders in drug prevention discuss strategies of effective interagency collaboration

Dashoguz Province Stakeholders in Drug Prevention Discuss Strategies of Effective Interagency Collaboration 

Dashoguz Province Stakeholders in Drug Prevention Discuss Strategies of Effective Interagency Collaboration Ashgabat, 14 July 2009 – The UNDP, UNODC and UNAIDS in Turkmenistan conducted a two-day event for drug prevention stakeholders and drug addicts in Dashoguz province on 8-9 July 2009. The programme of activities included a seminar for mid-level officials of the Healthcare and Police Departments, AIDS Centre, Narcology Clinic and interim detention structures of Dashoguz province to strengthen their coordination and response to drug abuse and drug related diseases through science-based measures on drug demand and harm reduction as well as raising awareness of drug abuse issues among the population. The seminar was followed by a one-day session for drug addicts to inform them about dangerous consequences of drug abuse as well as ways of prevention of HIV, hepatitis and other diseases transmitted via blood.   

The seminar discussed ways of improving the interagency collaboration on issues of drug prevention and drug related diseases and assessed the level of stakeholders’ awareness of existing strategies for drug demand and harm reduction. UNODC representatives briefed the seminar participants on the approaches to providing assistance to drug abusers and methods of treatment of drug addiction, while UNAIDS and UNDP programme staff made presentations on the role of substitution therapy in HIV/AIDS prevention and progress made by UNDP Project “HIV prevention” in reaching out for HIV/AIDS risk groups in Turkmenistan.   

The seminar participants also advanced their knowledge on intervention strategies to integrated care, acknowledged the significance of community support and rehabilitation centers in outreach work and the importance of pre- and post-test counseling in narcology clinics. 

“The seminar helped me better understand the situation with adequate response to HIV prevention in our province and was the right setting to discuss specific aspects of HIV prevention and drug addiction harm reduction in Dashoguz province,” said Batyr Hudiyarov, doctor-narcologist. 

In the course of the session for drug addicts held next day in the Dashoguz Narcology clinic for drug addicted patients who use drugs intravenously, 26 participants learnt how to deal with withdrawal symptoms and safer behavior techniques. “I enjoyed the training because I received so much crucial information for me. I am positive that I will pass it on to my peers” said one of the clinic patients.

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