11 July 2010 – This year, some 60 countries are collecting data and counting people as part of the 2010 census process.
26 June 2010 – As we prepare for this September’s United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development Goals, we must recognize the major impediment to development posed by drug abuse and illicit trafficking. As this year’s theme stresses, it is time to “Think Health, Not Drugs”.
26 June 2010 Torture is a crime under international law.  The prohibition of torture is absolute and unambiguous.
UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK, 23 June 2010 – Updated data on mortality rates among mothers and young children are likely to encourage G8 leaders, who at their meeting later this week will make this health issue – long considered a neglected area of international development efforts – a 2010 priority.
23 June 2010 – On the annual observance of Public Service Day, we pay tribute to public servants everywhere who have improved the lives of others in their communities.
Ashgabat, 22 June 2010 – The high-level delegation of the European Union visited the UN House in Ashgabat on June 17 to get acquainted with the UN experience of work in the sphere of human rights in Turkmenistan.
20 June 2010 On this observance of World Refugee Day, we must note a troubling trend: the decline in the number of refugees who are able to go home.

The Secretary-General’s message for the International Day for Disaster Reduction

The Secretary-General’s message for the International Day for Disaster Reduction

The Secretary-General’s message for the International Day for Disaster Reduction14 October 2009 – Beyond their practical importance, hospitals and health facilities have a unique value as symbols of public well-being.  Making them safe from disasters is essential.  That is why this the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, along with the World Health Organization and the World Bank, marks the International Day for Disaster Reduction by highlighting the 2008-09 World Disaster Reduction Campaign dedicated to Hospitals Safe from Disasters.

When disaster strikes, hospitals are the most critical infrastructure.  They represent – quite literally – the lifeblood of a community.  If hospitals are severely damaged, efforts to save lives are seriously impeded.  With weather-related disasters on the increase, it is critical to ensure that health facilities are prepared for emergencies and able to provide life-saving care in their wake.  This is particularly true in countries where weak health systems already struggle to meet the health needs of populations. In Burkina Faso, flooding forced the evacuation of the patients from the main hospital in the capital city.  In Indonesia, hospital collapses during the earthquake in Sumatra caused additional loss of life.  In L’Aquila, Italy, the collapse of a newly built hospital provided a grim reminder that health systems in richer nations are also at risk.

The Safe Hospitals campaign involves practical steps to make hospitals safer.  For example, the Hospital Safety Index, a checklist for assessing hospital preparedness, has been applied to many facilities in Latin America and elsewhere, including as Oman, Sudan and Tajikistan.

I call on Governments and all decision-makers, including town planners, to review hospital safety.  Health facilities must be better prepared to respond to local hazards.  They must be designed, built and maintained so they can better protect health workers and patients alike when disaster hits.  The cost of making hospitals safe from disasters is relatively small. The most expensive hospital is the one that fails.

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