UNICEF and private sector partnership in wide dissemination of child care messages

UNICEF and private sector partnership in wide dissemination of child care messages             

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UNICEF and private sector partnership in wide dissemination of child care messagesAshgabat, 17 September 2013 – More health workers and families in Turkmenistan will benefit from the improved knowledge on child care practices described in the globally trusted publication "Facts for Life" which has been launched today by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, UNICEF and the German company RWE DEA AG. The joint launch also signifies UNICEF’s increased partnership with the private sector for the wellbeing of Turkmenistan’s children.

The Facts for Life, adapted from the fourth global edition, contains simple and clear messages on child care practices, including safe delivery, birth, breastfeeding, early childhood development, protection, immunization, HIV/AIDS prevention and other live saving measures that will help health workers and other caretakers to reduce under five child mortality and prevent diseases. The launch and the wide distribution of the publication are particularly timely in the light of the Government of Turkmenistan’s joining the global movement "Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed". A Promise Renewed movement, signed by 176 governments is aimed at accelerating action on maternal, newborn and child survival, enabling more countries to achieve the Millennium Development Goals on reducing under five child and maternal mortality by 2015.

"UNICEF advocates for measures to give children the best start in life, because proper care at the youngest age forms the strongest foundation for a person’s future. The Facts for Life effectively communicates these simple ‘care for development’ practices that can be easily fulfilled by caregivers and families to achieve children’s full potential in life,"
said Oyunsaikhan Dendevnorov, UNICEF Representative in Turkmenistan in her opening remarks.

UNICEF has established a successful partnership with the German RWE DEA AG Company, which supported the printing of the Facts for Life in the quantity of 20,000 copies making the publication widely available for frontline healthcare workers such as family doctors and nurses, and other caregivers to provide further counselling to families on child care practices throughout the country.

"I am extremely happy to have an opportunity to support the wide spread distribution of the Facts for Life publication. I hope it will be useful and beneficial to many people in Turkmenistan", said Peter Immerz, General Manager of the RWE Dea AG company.

The Facts for Life dissemination and promotion plan presented during the launch envisions an innovative use child care messages in various platforms, including cascade trainings, featured TV spots and animated films as well as a survey on improved knowledge and skills of caregivers on life saving practices.  

For more information please contact:

Ms. Ayna Seyitlieva
UNICEF Communication for Development Officer
Email: aseyitlieva@unicef.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Ms. Gulyalek Soltanova
UNICEF Communication Officer
Email: gsoltanova@unicef.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tel: +99312 425681/82/85/86
Fax: +99312 420830
Web: http://www.unicef.org/turkmenistan

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